Andyland     |   home
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About Me
Hi there, it's me, the original Andy!
I currently live and work in beautiful Vero Beach, FL
If you would like to learn more about Vero Beach, click on the link above
There's also some other great stuff to see, so look around a bit
I'm adding and updating almost every day
Below you will find the Official Links to Everything Andy
These are all web sites either by someone named "Andy"
or about someone named "Andy"
On my A-Z Links page you will find the "Andy" Site of the Month
If you happen to know of an "Andy" site that I haven't listed
please e-mail me the address and let me know
Okay, now it's on to Everything Andy!
Careful you don't trip over the banner ads on the way down. - Click here to travel right!
Diet Cover

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Everything "Andy"
The links listed below are a collection web sites by and about people named "Andy"
I am in no way responsible for the quality or content of these sites as I am not the "Andy" in question.
If you know of any other "Andy" sites I should be listing, please let me know via e-mail to [email protected]
The Andy Griffith Show Home Page  everyone's favorite "Andy"
Andy Warhol  Andy Dick Homepage
The (Andy) Dick Digger  guide to finding everything about Andy Dick
Andy Kaufman no "Andy" list would be complete without this one
Andy Summers Online the legendary guitarist of the Police
Andy Gibb  I had to do it, he is an "Andy" after all
Andy   country singer
Andy & Denise  acoustic performers
Andy and Larry Wachowski  extraordinary film makers
Andy Cameron   photographer from Northern Ireland
ANDY DESIGNS The Award Winning "Flex Vase" check it out!
Andy Gardner's Home Page   New Zealand
Andy Goldschmidt  sculptural ceramics
Andy Griffiths is an Australian author of crazy stories for children
Andy Grove  co-founder and chairman of Intel
Andy Higgins Philatelic Index page  stamp collecting anyone?
Andy Jordan @  Page, Arizona Police Dept.
Andy A/S   colors in fashion / clothing & accessories
Andy's Austin Seven Page   vintage automobiles
more to come real soon......................................